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Discovery - Empowerment - Growth

Find, ignite and nurture your spark

Katie is an experienced, qualified, accredited coach and educator, as well as a speaker and writer.

I help leaders, professionals and entrepreneurs who want to live and work in a way that is meaningful, authentic and full of positive impact on the people around them, to create welcome transformation in their thinking, feelings and behaviour.


I believe that when we are self-aware, empowered and well-resourced, our light shines brightly and our impact is magnified: for ourselves, for our families and for those we work with.


 I have worked with many clients from diverse backgrounds, each with their own story to tell.


Some of my clients are senior leaders in education, striving to improve the life chances of the young people at the heart of their community. 


Some of my clients are busy parents, conscious of being more present for their children, whilst balancing the demands of working life. 


Some of my clients are entrepreneurs, creating a thriving business that feels authentic and that enables them to grow in all areas of life.

Similarly, I work with people-centred organisations to create opportunities for those in working or educational communities to flourish both individually and together, professionally and personally.

The process of coaching can be beneficial in many areas of work and of life: creating new patterns of thought and behaviour; navigating points of transition; connecting to what you really want out of your experience of life; embracing your strengths; improving your relationships; deepening your sense of self-confidence and more.

I have coached my clients to: develop their professional practice; establish successful businesses; achieve promotion; change direction in their career; overhaul their health; create art; make significant decisions; gain in confidence; let go of negative thinking; understand themselves; improve relationships with family, children, colleagues and friendships - and much more.


I'd love you to hear what my clients say about my work: you can read their words here.

Coaching brings an opportunity for you to honour your story so far, to build an authentic sense of self-worth and to bring forth inspiring, purposeful goal-setting.


It is a journey of discovery, empowerment and growth.​

Meaningful conversation - through intuitive, empathic questioning and listening - is at the very heart of my work. I am experienced in using a wealth of creative coaching tools to enable further exploration and depth of thought for my clients. 

As such, I offer 1:1 coaching, consulting, workshop delivery and CPD sessions, both online and in-person where appropriate.

As part of my passion for coaching, reflection and new thinking, I curate online spaces for writing for self-discovery. I host a number of online workshops, including a free, monthly workshop called 'The Sunday Morning Journalling Club', designed to provide a space to explore your own thinking and feelings whilst in community with others from around the globe.


You can access all upcoming workshops - as well as follow me for notifications of all new events - here.

Whatever the context, I work ethically and with integrity to help you discover your own, authentic self and to empower you to take action in moving towards positive change.

Our work together is rooted in respect, curiosity, collaboration, transparency and compassionate accountability.

Professional Experience

 As an accredited, certified coach with the International Coaching Federation

(holding ACC status), I work both ethically and responsibly.


Having qualified in 2019 with Barefoot Coaching (Postgraduate Certificate in Personal and Business Coaching), my work is grounded in evidence-based research and psychological theory.

As a commitment to both my clients and to myself, I invest in personal coaching, in Continuing Professional Development and in regular, professional supervision.

An extensive background in secondary education informs my practice. I have earned a strong reputation both as an expert classroom practitioner (formerly holding Specialist Leader of Education status for English), and as an outstanding pastoral leader.

I have continued my work in the education sector by coaching a significant number of headteachers, senior leaders and teaching staff and I now work with several schools on an on-going basis. 


Delivery of CPD sessions around coaching is something that I offer to educational establishments. I also specialise in delivering coaching workshops to young people (11-18 years) designed to build self-confidence, to boost wellbeing and to empower all participants in understanding their own thoughts, feelings and behaviour.


Find Your Spark


1:1 Coaching

Workshop Facilitation

Educational Coaching & Consultancy

Complimentary Connection Call

This complimentary, 30-minute, no-obligation connection call is for you if:

  • You would like to explore how coaching could transform your current situation

  • You are interested in finding out more about how I can support your organisation in its mission​

  • You want to see if I am the right coach for you


Click here to view my online calendar and to book your call

Connection Call

What my clients say...

I just want to thank you so much; this has been such a powerful experience for me. I know I wouldn’t be in the place I am today, and feeling so excited and positive about it, if it wasn’t for your sessions. You really have changed my life, and I wish I could find the words to capture how momentous this process has been, and how grateful I am.


I am starting a new chapter of my life because you have helped me to see that I can do it, and I have everything in me that I need to make it a success.


Thank you from the whole of my heart.

BR: Educator

What my clients say...

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